NEW FORMULA! Unsweetened.
Succinade is succinate based "lemonade" that will juice your metabolic rate. One way to think of obesity is as a deficiency of succinate dehydrogenase activity. Succinade will help get you activity level up!
Succinate has the highest FADH2:NADH ratio of any food, at 1.0. Stearic acid, by comparison, has a ratio of 0.49. Eating 1g of succinate is the equivalent - from an FADH2:NADH ratio perspective - of swapping out 2.4g of oleic acid (MUFA) with stearic acid. Each scoop of Succin-ade contains 5g of succinate. Each bag contains 30 scoops.
Succinate drives ROS production in your mitochondria, where you want them! Driving mitochondrial ROS production regenerates NAD+ via the enzymes glutathione reductase and NNT. This eliminates reductive stress and keeps your metabolic rate humming.
Consider combining Succinade with the commonly available supplement alpha-lipoic acid.